2019 FGS ChocoLatte
2 Harakeke Street, Riccarton, Christchurch
Ticket Information
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Calling all Coffee & Chocolate lovers! Come and get your fix of caffeine or sugar at the super amazing FGS Chocolate event! There will be a variety of coffee, chocolate and dessert companies attending this amazing event! Join us and grab your tickets now!
We have a live personal teaching coffee demonstration by Ken Shi who is the New Zealand Cup Tasters Champion, Australia International Coffee Award and International Golden Bean Awards Silver Winner, Judge Panel for 2018 and 2019 New Zealand Barista Championship
Also, meet coffee artist Larry Abreno who is a passionate coffee artist and freestyle poet. He uses coffee as a medium for his arts as he is fascinated by the smell of coffee and its classic monochromatic effect adding depth and drama to the subject. He loves playing around lights and shadows with coffee. He has exhibited his coffee artworks during Arts Out East Festival 2018 and gave a talk during Pecha Kucha Night vol. 25 in Hamilton. Larry is also a freestyle poet that utilises his background in communication, education, philosophy and spirituality to write poems and reflections about love, life and relationships. He just published his first poetry book “Crumbs from the Heart”: poetry and reflections over a cup of coffee, which was successfully launched during the Arts Out East Festival. He is passionate about sharing his poems and arts to inspire and make a difference in the lives of other people.
She Universe Chocolate is joining the FGS ChocoLatte Festival! A Journey through the chocolate world will be occurring with the super amazing team from She Universe Chocolate. She Universe will also be giving some mind-blowing free chocolate samples all day!
“Life is for living and for loving chocolate! Let’s jump in together!” — Oonagh Browne, Chocolate Ambassador
Ballantyne is an actress, artist, filmmaker, classically trained singer, designer and author. She will be performing live with her melodious voice. She will be here to harmonise the atmosphere with her voice.
Come see the Grey Wizard as The Grey Wizard is attracted to the coffee and chocolate from the Water Drop Cafe... bringing him from Middle Earth into the ChocoLatte Festival meeting coffee and chocolate lovers.
We've also got Panna Soaps Amazing Coffee Soap! Not only will your eyes, and stomach be blown away during the ChocoLatte Event, but we are very happy to say Panna Soaps will be bringing their amazing coffee soap to the event.
If your mind cannot handle any more coffee, calm down with an elegant high tea experience from the Water Drop Cafe. The setting will be suitable decadent to suit the most refined of tastes with the English High Tea! Or if you're Interested in taking a journey to the other side of the world and learn about Taiwan mountain tea? Come and try the incredibly relaxing Chinese tea experience.
There will be a variety of coffee, chocolate and dessert companies attending this amazing event!
Join us this year & grab your tickets now!
Door tickets are $7 on event day.
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