Ben & Jerry's Free Cone Day
286 Mt Wellington Hwy, Mt Wellington, Auckland
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Mark your calendar, set your alarm, and get ready for the Ben & Jerry-est day of the year. Free Cone Day is April 9!
Every year Ben & Jerry’s fans (and future fans) get a scoop of the good stuff absolutely free. The tradition started in 1979, when Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield wanted to thank their Burlington, VT (United States) community for helping them make it through their first year in business.
Today the company sells its euphoric chunks and swirls in 38 countries, and Free Cone Day is celebrated in Scoop Shops around the world. More than 1 million scoops will be given away globally on April 9, from the classic Cherry Garcia to favorites like Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.
Ice cream lovers who find themselves in a cone-undrum over which flavour to choose can simply get back in line a second (or third, or fourth!) time.
To find your nearest participating Scoop Shop, visit
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