Fun Brain Activities Workshop Set
5 Mayfield Rd, Glenfield, Auckland
Ticket Information
- Additional fees may apply
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When we were growing up, before television, we played cards, paper and pencil games, board games, jigsaws etc. We now have digital versions of all these as well as newer ones such as Sudoku. Most of these are online but you can download apps to your device via a Wi-Fi connection.
This workshop set will cover some of these apps that can afford you fun, stimulate your brain and in some cases, interaction with others.
During the sessions we will work with people in a hands-on situation if necessary doing the following:
- Find Application or link
- Pull to Desktop
- Work through Settings
- Set up logins if necessary
- With each activity we will have a focus on what “not to press”
- Take them through the game/activity (in a digital environment)
Workshop Sets are a new concept from SeniorNet. There are 4 sessions that are linked but can be booked separately depending on your requirements and current knowledge.
Week 1: Thinking Skills including:
- Quizzes
- Crosswords
- Memory Training
Week 2: Word Games including:
- Wordscape
- Text Twist 2
- Words 2 (Scrabble)
- Hangman
Week 3: Card and Maths Games including:
- Sudoku
- Solitaire(Patience)
- Bridge
- Mah Jong
Week 4: Other Games etc.
- Jigsaws
- Casual Games
Candy Crush
Big Fish Games (Adventure, Problem Solving, Memory)
Bring the device you wish to use for these activities, including its charger. If you will be using a desktop computer at home, we can show you on the Centre’s computers and you can transfer your skills. Please bring a flash drive/memory stick.
2-hour sessions for four weeks.
The workshop set runs on 4 consecutive Friday mornings for 2 hours from 10am.
Bookings essential but the workshop set is free to financial members. Must be current members of SeniorNet Glenfield or join (annual fee $30). If you are new to SeniorNet you are invited to attend a Meet and Greet session on a Monday morning between 10 am and 12md. Ring for an appointment.
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