Getting Started in Windows 10 Course
5 Mayfield Rd, Glenfield, Auckland
Ticket Information
- Additional fees may apply
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This course is for the computer novice. No previous computer knowledge is required. However, if you don't already know how to use a mouse or a mousepad, it is important that you gain these skills prior to this course.
To gain these skills you can do one or more of the following: access the mouse programmes on the SeniorNet Glenfield's website, spend some time playing Solitaire on your computer and/or discuss with SeniorNet when booking this course.
Computers are available for your use but you may bring your own laptop to the course.
The course runs on 4 consecutive Tuesday mornings for 2 hours from 10 am.
Bookings essential but the course is free to financial members. Must be current members of SeniorNet Glenfield or join (annual fee $30). If you are new to SeniorNet you are invited to meet up with a tutor to discuss your requirements. Ring for an appointment.
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