Heritage Talk Series
5 Rust Avenue, Whangārei
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Puhipuhi: The most amazing place in New Zealand?
Bring your lunch and munch while you listen to Don Goodall talk about the history of Puhipuhi, north of Whangārei.
Cinnibar from which mercury is extracted, was discovered there in 1892, a mine was established, with processing plant and extensive transport system. During World War 2 the mine was a crucial and reliable source of mercury used in the manufacture of ammunition. The miners, described as a 'tough crew', suffered health issues because of exposure to mercury.
While some mining equipment remains on site, the area is still considered toxic. Mining companies are interested in large deposits of gold and silver located directly under Puhipuhi and there is opposition to any mining being undertaken due to environmental concerns.
Puhipuhi was also an important area for timber and had a timber mill which supplied large quantities of timber to Northland and further afield.
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