How Do I...? Workshop
5 Mayfield Rd, Glenfield, Auckland
Ticket Information
- Additional fees may apply
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There are two workshops of this genre, one for Microsoft associated machines and one for Android. Members of the group describe a particular problem/question that they have with operating systems and applications.
The group and the tutor attempt to solve the problem or suggest pathways to a solution. There is about a 95% success rate. The Centre should be advised if the problem is with an Android device, as other tutors have to be present.
If your computer is a laptop or tablet please bring your device with its charger to the workshop. When booking please mention the problem/s you are having so suitable tutor/s can be available. $5 for the 2-hour session.
Bookings essential but the workshop is free for financial members. Must be current members of SeniorNet Glenfield or join (annual fee $30). If you are new to SeniorNet you are invited to attend a Meet and Greet session on a Monday morning between 10 am and 12md. Ring for an appointment.
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