Painters Workshop with Richard Adams
57 Korora Road, Oneroa, Waiheke Island, Auckland
Ticket Information
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Richard Adams – experienced abstract painter and teacher with incidental meditative live music provided by virtuoso 7 string guitarist Nigel Gavin.
This workshop is presented in conjunction with the Waiheke Community Art Gallery as part of the Waiheke Jazz, Art & Music Festival.
As there are only 8 places available, you will need to secure your place very quickly.
Last year this sold out. Feedback from participants is that it is a transformational experience, unique and life-changing.
Richard is an experienced artist, artist in residence and art educator with an impressive international career. He is passionate about passing on the skills and techniques, to help transform your passion into professional output. You will love the musical accompaniment and marvel at the quiet rustic space which is the Owhanake Barn.
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