Techweek'19 - Navigating the Complex World of 'Born Digital'
cnr Molesworth & Aitken Streets, Thorndon, Wellington
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Navigating the complex world of ‘born digital’ collecting and preservation.
How does an institution committed to collecting and preserving the nations memory go about selecting, preserving and providing access to born digital material in the continually changing and complex world of digital platforms and connected devices?
By 2020, it’s estimated that 1.7MB of data will be created every second for every person on earth. By next year, New Zealanders could be generating, or associated with, over 600 Petabytes of new data every single day.
If all of this data was collected, every day the Library might have the equivalent of 133,800,000 DVDs of content dropped off in its doorstep.
How does an institution committed to collecting and preserving the nations memory go about selecting, preserving and providing access to born digital material in the continually changing and complex world of digital platforms and connected devices?
Join National Library’s Digital Preservation Analyst Jay Gattuso in a lively presentation about the challenges and opportunities of collecting, preserving and providing access to a range of complex born digital objects and the experiences they create.
Jay will discuss issues such as managing and decision making around digital collecting, why the cloud has changed how we think about collections, what it means to provide meaningful access to the intangible, to the legal ramifications of collecting born digital material.
There will time for questions and conversation.
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