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Well-being for Women

Ticket Information

  • Cost: $10.00 each
  • Additional fees may apply


  • Sat 12 Oct 2019, 12:30pm–3:00pm



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The next Well-being for Women group in Tauranga is being held on Saturday 12th October from 12:30pm - 3:00pm.

The beautiful venue, which we always love presenting at, is: The Atrium, Waipuna Hospice.

These presentations offer the space for women of all ages and backgrounds to come together to experience the power of shared discussions on a wide variety of topics including exhaustion, stress, sleep, food, self-care and much more.

They offer a wealth of insight, inspiration and practical take-home tools for you to introduce into your own life.

In the forthcoming group, we will be discussing the most important relationship of all, the one with us!

Jeanette Macdonald, Anne Hishon and Ingrid Ward invite you to join them for, what will be, another most valuable conversation.

For further information or to book, contact Ingrid on 021 952 690 or email:

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