Words and Pictures Workshop SeT
5 Mayfield Rd, Glenfield, Auckland
Ticket Information
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This is a new Course comprising four sessions. As with other ‘Workshop Sets’ offered by SeniorNet Glenfield, students can enrol for all four sessions (i.e. one 2-hour session each of 4 weeks in April), or just any one or more of the sessions. It is intended to assist students to record memories, occasions, life histories etc. on paper, with embed photos into the text and ends up with a collection ready for printing into a book form.
Week 1
Help students use an appropriate programme if they do not already have a suitable one on their own computer. Students who already use a Word Processing programme may choose not to attend this lesson, but for those who do not, we will offer to download an Open Office programme onto either their machine or onto their flash drive and show how to load it onto their machine at home.
Week 2
How to use the Programme to write your stories. Classes will be small and ensure each student gets the appropriate amount of help for their machines. (Our Centre has computers with Microsoft Word and Open Office programmes, if students are unable to bring in their own machines). A handbook will be provided to help with work at home.
Week 3
Will cover copying pictures (or photos) from your own machine’s hard drive and embedding them into your words (stories) where wanted. We will talk about enhancing these pictures with frames, colour adjustments and adding captions.
Week 4
We will discuss and offer the extra ‘finishing-off’ options –adding page numbers, Indexes, Table of Contents, how to print the pages etc., all ready then for binding the pages together.
Computers are available for your use but you may bring your own laptop to the course. 2-hour sessions for four weeks.
The workshop set runs on 4 mornings starting on Tuesday 2nd April, continuing on the next three Tuesdays finishing on 23rd April for 2 hours from 10 am.
Bookings essential but the workshop set is free to financial members. Must be current members of SeniorNet Glenfield or join (annual fee $30). If you are new to SeniorNet you are invited to attend a Meet and Greet session on a Monday morning between 10 am and 12md. Ring for an appointment.
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