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Ticket Information

  • General Admission: $90.00 each
  • Additional fees may apply


  • Mon 13 May 2019, 8:00am–3:00pm


Adults Only


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Join us for a fast-paced, interdisciplinary fueled full day of learning, sharing and connection as we engage with one another, across disciplines, practices and professions to transform the end of life care into a person-centred experience because – You Only Live Once.

Topics include:
- A Life Through Music; Music Therapy and Dementia
- Life is Worth Living; Euthanasia Implies Otherwise
- The Euthanasia Bill and What it means to Hospice and palliative Care
- The Hospice Approach to Dying
- Unique Grief; Palliative Care in the Aged Care Setting
- Death Café, A Community UnderTaking

An engaging and informative day for health care professionals that seek further knowledge of palliative care services, as well as educators, students and carers.

Tickets include, morning and afternoon tea, refreshments and a light lunch.
Tickets are $90 per person for the full day.

For more information please visit -

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