An Introduction to Working with Hand Tools
17 Totara Rd, Te Atatū Peninsula, Auckland
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This is a two day course introducing you to the use of hand tools.
Over the two days you will build a small tool box and a bench stop incorporating a number of woodworking joints and skills including cutting a simple scarf joint and then using copper nails and rivets to turn that piece into a handy Bench stop. Marking and cutting pieces for the tool box, preparing the timber with planes and a cabinet scraper, marking and cutting a dovetail joint, marking and drilling dowel joints, turning a square piece of wood into a round handle, final assembly and clean up.
This is a great course for someone wanting to learn how to cut accurately and use chisels and planes and other hand tools in a practical manner.
Students will leave with a completed toolbox and bench stop and an introduction to many new skills.
The tutor for this course is Olaf Wiig.
Min of 3 students required, max of 6.
cost includes materials for toolbox.
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