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This event’s been cancelled
Calligraphy Italic Beginners Class: CANCELLED


  • Sat 13 Jun 2020, 10:00am–3:30pm



Great lettering workshop for beginners.

Learn basic Italic - Lower and Uppercase on a grid to understand the letter structure.
Using a calligraphy duo pen, you will earn the strokes that make up this beautiful and versatile style.
After practicing all the letters, you will be encouraged to complete a small piece of calligraphy to extend you new skill.

Details notes provided so you can practice at home.

Class kit provided at the workshop:
Calligraphy duo pen 2mm + 3.5mm felt pen, Italic worksheets, paper, pencil, eraser plus items for a small calligraphy piece.

Skill level - All levels welcome.

Students brings:
Yourself and lunch (local cafes available to purchase food).

Cost: $100 (includes class kit with all supplies needed for workshop).
Class limit: 12 people only to give sufficient attention

Registration online - go to the website - go to the bottom of the page for rego form.
Or email

Other workshops to be held during the year:
- Brush Lettering
- Gothic (lower + uppercase)
- Pointed Pen

Marian Riddell has been a calligrapher for 30 years. She has studied with the Society of Scribes and Illuminators in England via correspondence.

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