Creative Slam
1141 Eruera St, Rotorua, Bay of Plenty
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We invite all creatives, adventurers, speakers, poets, story writers, actors, singers, dancers and other talents to take the floor at Rotorua's first-ever CreativeSLAM!
An open mic with a difference, CreativeSLAM! gives participants the opportunity to entertain for up to three minutes.
Maybe you have a story excerpt you'd like to read, a Toastmasters speech, a short skit, poem, song, thoughts or dance you'd like to perform. Feel at ease in the presence of other open-minded creative people, and show us your stuff.
When the mic/floor is open, it's your space to share. So come along and connect with your creative community on the first Sunday of every month at Rotorua's most unique bar and venue, Level 13.
Please note, under 18s are welcome but must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian due to licensing law.
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