Glen Innes & Panmure: Stories of Change with Megan Hutching
Central Library, Level 2, 44 Lorne Street, CBD, Auckland
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Historian and author Megan Hutching will discuss changes past and present of Glen Innes and Panmure in this week's HeritageTalk.
In 1990 a series of oral history interviews were recorded with residents of Glen Innes and Panmure, capturing stories of the area as a place of change after the Second World War. Using these interviews Megan Hutching will talk about the mid-twentieth century history of the area and compare that period of change with the changes the area is currently experiencing.
Image credit: Looking east over a large tract of State housing in Glen Innes. Two horses are grazing peacefully in a paddock in the foreground. Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 895-A74175
Megan Hutching
Megan Hutching is a freelance historian, oral historian and author. She is a member (and past president) of the National Oral History Association of New Zealand Te Kete Korero a Waha o te Motu (NOHANZ) and was a member of the Council of the International Oral History Association between 2006-10. She has worked on large and small oral history projects and pieces of writing, particularly in these areas of Pakeha New Zealand history in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
She has written 15 books and booklets (some co-authored), as well as article-length pieces, and content for museum and website exhibitions. Megan is experienced at managing oral history projects and has recorded a large number of oral history projects, covering a wide range of topics.
She also has a great deal of experience at transcribing and editing interviews for publication. She has taught many oral history training workshops and works to the standards of the NOHANZ Code of Ethical & Technical Practice using high-quality digital recording equipment for her interviews.
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