Men's Group Wairarapa Monthly Indoor Meeting
60 Holloway St, Carterton, WairarapaTicket Information
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An open and diverse group of sharing and mutual support. Come to share or listen to the stories of other local men 17+ who feel need to connect with self and the group, silence... Happy to have 14+ guys accompanied by father/grandfather/caregiver.
We meet every first Thursday of the month at 7pm, please come on time as at some point we may lock the door from inside to protect the group by preventing new people from entering the room in the middle of sharing. The door will still be unlocked for the guys inside to allow anyone to leave freely anytime.
You can participate actively or just be present silently, with no pressure at all. Optional Koha contribution to the venue and organisers, you can also bring some biscuits or fruit to share during a short tea break.
Event is usually facilitated by experienced leaders but the aim is to co-create and give participants the opportunity to grow through the leadership in a supportive group.
No alcohol, no drugs! Come with a clear mind, please.
There is also monthly overnight Version Gathering In the Wilderness around the campfire every third Saturday of the month at Tararua Forest Park. For these outdoor meetings, you have to register by writing to
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