Overcoming Stress, Anxiety + Fatigue: A Mind-Body Course
1 Gibraltar Crescent, Parnell, Auckland
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A one-day course to reset your nervous system and empower you with powerful mind-body practices to overcome stress, anxiety and fatigue.
Are the stresses of everyday life getting to you?
Do you often feel drained, unhappy or anxious?
Are you often exhausted, overworked, overstimulated, and underslept, but you can’t switch off?
Do you use food or alcohol for comfort, self-reward OR to avoid facing or feeling things?
Is your adrenal system vulnerable, and fatigue a constant issue for you?
If you answered YES to any of the above, then this course is for you!
You’ve probably already experienced that you can’t talk or think your way out of stress, anxiety and fatigue. Because the mind lives in the body, tiring thoughts leave you feeling tired. Draining emotions leave you feeling drained. Over-thinking leaves you feeling anxious. The tiredness comes from the overactivity of the emotions and of the mind and the overstimulation of the nervous system. It’s those fatiguing thoughts, stress reactions and negative emotions that drain you of the innate resources of vitality and wellbeing.
This experiential day course introduces you to an integrated suite of powerful practices which are the pathway from anxious + fatigued to calm + happy!
Acquire effective techniques to enable you to cope with daily stress, decrease anxiety, improve chronic pain, benefit sleep and restore an innate sense of resilience and well-being.
You’ll learn the workings of both the natural stress responses and the natural deep relaxation
responses of your mind and body.
More importantly, you’ll learn and experience HOW TO change the way you respond to your environment. You will discover how to reset your nervous system to release the persistent effects of chronic stress and to establish patterns
and habits of ease + wellbeing.
Course Highlights:
- TAPPING to release stuck energy and emotions stored in the tissues
- MERIDIAN work to promote energy flow and wellness
- FOSTERING and embodying the physiology of safety and trust
- SOMATIC SENSING to re-wire the nervous system
- MYOFASCIAL RELEASE to let go of muscular tension
- YIN YOGA to release stiffness and tension from the deeper tissues of the body
- SLOW MINDFUL MOVEMENT to unwind the knots in key areas of physical tension
- BREATH WORK to tap into the relaxation response
- CHANTING open sounds to break thought patterns and shift internal states
- RELAXERCISES for restoring the body and nervous system
- AROMOTHERAPY for aromatic anchors for calm and relaxation
- YOGA NIDRA for deep, powerful, creative rest and relaxation
- MINDFULNESS PRACTICES to keep you centered + present
This Mind-Body Edition course is the ideal antidote to the stresses of modern-day living.
5 Earlybird Spots available at $87, before price returns to $97.
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