Re-Tree Christmas Tree Pop-up Exhibition
132 High Street, Lower Hutt, Wellington RegionRestrictions
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Come to the High Street for a Christmas experience for you and your family.
About Space Hutt City, Hutt City Council's Pop-up Programme is hosting Re-Tree Christmas Tree pop-up. Local artists, crafters and Christmas enthusiasts have designed and created unique Christmas trees from every items that have been recycled and repurposed. A community project, this exhibition of Christmas trees is set in a grotto like setting, aglow by twinkling fairy lights.
A few of the trees to check out are:
"Nipa Hut in the Hutt" is a Christmas tree home by Pinoy/Kiwi artist Jojo Jowett. "In my 'Christmas tree home' I have used dried flowers, dried tree trunk, dried weeds from my garden and cardboard boxes. This is a reminder that I had been gardening in my backyard for 31 years in New Zealand."
How can a coat rack, heat gun and scissors become a decorative Christmas tree? Well “Recycle-Bling” by Johannes Mueller-Welschof has created a Christmas tree from those items and optical PET sheets from old TV sets effecting to blur the lines between 2D and 3D through angle and reflection. There is a series of mini trees, trees made from old business materials and bicycle wheels.
We hope you enjoy this unique collection of locally designed and created Christmas trees, help support The Lower Hutt Foodbank. The entry of a non-perishable food item or koha to benefit the Lower Hutt Foodbank.
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