Roadsafe Advanced Driver Training
Burnside Ave, Hāwera, South TaranakiTicket Information
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Free practical driving course for young or inexperienced drivers. Participants must hold at least a Learner license and know how to drive a car. This course aims to help young or inexperienced drivers learn how to:
- Brake safely in an emergency
- Control the car when cornering
- Navigate out of an understeer or oversteer mistake
- Recognise and respond to other risks on the road
Course takes approximately two hours, with a mixture of theory, interactive activities and 2 practical courses.
Practical sessions will be provided by instructors from NZ Advanced Driver Training, including NZV8 Championship driver Phil Blythe.
To register: Contact Marion (Road Safety Coordinator)
Text 027 279 2662 with your name, preferred day and start time (30 minute time slots), or freephone 0800 111 323 and leave your contact details.
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