SeniorNet Marlbrough Sounds Address
1162 Queen Charlotte Dr, Sounds, MarlboroughTicket Information
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Following the Annual General Meeting,, Heather Newell, CEO of national SeniorNet Federation will talk about the challenges and opportunities for SeniorNet in a post pandemic world.
Heather Newell became the Executive Officer of the SeniorNet Federation in January 2020 replacing the retiring EO of 28 years, Grant Sidaway. Heather became interested in technology and its place in society when she enrolled in a Master of Communications programme at Victoria University in the early 1990s. From there she went on to be involved in a number of non profit technology projects including chairing Wellington ICT. She has been involved in the professional fundraising sector for over 25 years and has been off and on the Upper Hutt City Council as an elected member since 1989.
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