Spa Bingo
Online, Virtual
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One card per email address will be sent - please do not request multiple cards/registrations. Please provide your email address in registration otherwise we cannot send you your unique bingo ticket!
In Quarantine? In self isolation? Plans cancelled? Need your bingo fix but can't leave the house? Mistress Viv is here for you!
Join Mistress Viv from Bitchin' Bingo for SPA BINGO. Viv will literally be soaking in her own balls streaming live via Instagram for just ONE special round of Bitchin' Bingo. There can only be one winner of spa bingo and there is an actual prize up for grabs! FREE to play of course! Register via Eventfinda and an individual and unique Bitchin' Bingo playing card will be emailed to you. Please ensure you provide your email address upon registering, ONLY ONE CARD PER EMAIL WILL BE SENT! Do not register for more than 1 person. 1 person = one email address = one card. Do not request multiple for your mates etc, they will need to register seperately. Print out your card when it arrives, jump onto our Instagram at 8pm on Monday the 23rd of March to join in LIVE and be in to win. Viv will also be dishing up some handy self isolation tips and might even be joined by her beefy husband Wayne (calm down ladies). Will it work? Is Viv's PH balance up to it? and when did she last change the water? WHO KNOWS.
Ready - Jet set - Spa Bingo!
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