He Pu, He Puoro, He Purakau (A seed, an instrument, a story)
1 Victoria Street, Hamilton, WaikatoTicket Information
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He Pu, He Puoro, He Purakau (A seed, an instrument, a story) is unique concert event. Bridging the worlds of taonga puoro with the world of the orchestra, this concert showcases new and recent work by local composers and musicians. Horomona Horo and Jeremy Mayall are long-standing collaborators and sonic explorers, and this concert will weave together the sounds of Aotearoa with the musical textures of the imagination.
The concert is comprised of three pieces. First ‘He Aho Rōreka‘ – a premiere of a new concerto for taonga puoro and orchestra. This piece showcases the instruments of taonga puoro in a new chamber orchestral setting.
The second piece is a musical interlude by Horo and Mayall – connected to their duo ensemble work as AWE.
The final piece is ‘Akakite Mai Itaau Tua’ – a further collaboration with award-winning Cook Island Māori playwright Benny Marama which tells the story of his kōpū tangata (whānau) through the lens of traditional stories, narration, and music.
Hear the sounds and the stories that come from the seed of our experiences. Join us to move beyond convention into new sonic territory.
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