Open Meditation Evenings
100 Highsted Road, Bishopdale, Christchurch
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Meditate with others any night of the year! All are welcome to join us from:
7:00 Sunday with an Inspired Talk from Mata Yoganandaji
7:45 Chanting on Friday
8:00 Monday - Thursday and Saturdays
Whether you are a complete newcomer to meditation or have been practising meditation for years, it is helpful to join others of like mind.
Pure Meditation Evenings at the Centre begin with a short series of easy to follow exercises for those who wish. Winged Prayer is sent every evening at 9 pm. This is a prayer for light and peace to go out to all in need and for healing for those who request it. You are welcome to stay as long as you wish.
There is no charge and you do not need to have learned meditation at the Centre to come.
We welcome you - join us whenever you can.
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