Relay For Life Marlborough 2021
Cnr Maxwell and Alabama Roads, Blenheim, Marlborough
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Relay For Life Marlborough helps people in our community through Cancer Society Marlborough's support services, health promotion programmes and contribution to cancer research.
Your teams fundraising efforts are celebrated at the event with good music, entertainment, and remarkable community spirit. Cancer doesn't stop, and neither does your team baton as dedicated team members take turns walking (or running) around the track for the full 12 hours. Everyone and anyone can get involved, so gather your friends, whānau and workmates and join your community because no one fights cancer alone.
This year, we're excited to bring Relay for Life to the Marlborough A&P showgrounds in Blenheim. We're also trialling a new format (based on your feedback!) and holding this overnight Friday/Saturday. This gives you all of Sunday to spend with your family (and recover!!!!) We're also bringing the Kete Kai Market to the event from 6 pm - 9 pm, who will have a range of crafts and food stalls available for participants and spectators alike. Visit our website to register your team, or contact our office with any queries, email or phone 03 5794379.
Small steps can make a remarkable difference for people affected by cancer in our community. Join us for Relay For Life and let’s do something remarkable together!
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