Richmond / Tasman Business Networking - 9.30am meeting
1 McGlashen Avenue, Richmond, Nelson, Nelson / TasmanTicket Information
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Do you have a business in Richmond, Wakefield, Brightwater, Mapua or the Tasman area?
Would you like to meet other local business owners?
This 9.30am Networkers group is for business owners who have family obligations every morning; need to complete some early morning office administration; direct and organise their team for the daily tasks; work late into the night or just prefer a later start.
Pausing mid-week and mid-morning to enjoy a coffee with like-minded, positive people while gaining valuable insights and sharing knowledge, allows for an environment where you have a team who support and walk beside you in your business journey. As relationships are built and synergies occur then recommendations flow because as a team we know and trust each other.
Cara facilitates the Richmond Networkers and is excited to have the opportunity to bring together local people at a meeting where they can grow their business by making connections and sharing ideas. She believes that the more we can share and learn from each other, the better we can all be.
We invite you to come along for two free visitor’s meetings to see if we’re a fit for you and your business.
If this sounds like you, then contact us, as we'd love to meet you.
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