Women's New Moon Heart Sharing & Cacao Ceremony
Northern end of Deck's Reserve Carpark, Motueka, Nelson / Tasman
Ticket Information
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Come fill your cup with love & the magic of pure ceremonial grade cacao.
During times of great change and uncertainty, we have always sought community and ceremony to instil a sense of peace, connection and healing within us. When we gather in a sacred circle, especially together as women at the potent times of the New or Full Moon it is extremely powerful.
Cacao is a plant medicine that creates a gentle but powerful & beautiful natural elevation & expansion of heart-centred consciousness. A cacao ceremony gives a unique opportunity to connect within, open your heart and get clarity and guidance on answers you may be seeking.
Bringing all these elements together allows us to feel safe, heard, witnessed and supported as we connect deeply to our hearts and our highest self so we can unleash our inner power, truth & divine magic.
What Is Ceremonial Cacao?
Cacao is one of the most ancient and sacred plant medicines there is. She has been used medicinally and ceremonially by shamans and healers for thousands of years to unlock euphoric states, release negative emotions & connect to pure heart energy.
Cacao Aroha - Heart Medicine Journeys serves the highest grade ceremonial organic, Criollo Guatemalan cacao made from exceptional quality cacao beans which are minimally roasted and processed to maintain their natural energetic and health-promoting properties. The cacao trees are traditionally grown in their natural habitat and the beans are traditionally hand-prepared by indigenous Mayan people in the Lake Atitlan region of Guatemala. This cacao is grown and processed without any chemicals and the local women who prepare the cacao receive fair pay for their work.
This sacred plant medicine also known as Food of the Gods assists in a deep yet gentle opening of the heart and mind to transform the physical, mental, emotional and energetic path of our individual spiritual journey. Often used for emotional purging, cacao lovingly supports the release of any fears & inhibitions so we may connect deeper with life and follow our true heart's calling.
"Cacao brings you to the door but doesn't push you through it" Keith - The Chocolate Shaman
For more information about ceremonial cacao, please check out our Facebook page.
The Ceremony:
- Purification greeting
- Opening meditation to ground us into space.
- Introductions to connect us together as a group
- Info about Cacao
- Invocation to invite the spirit of the cacao to the circle.
- Personal & Collective intention setting
- Drinking of our Cacao.
- Heart Sharing
- New Moon Intentions to sow the seed of what we wish to manifest.
- In between sharing we shall sing a song or two to send these prayers & intentions out into the ether.
- Closing sacred space ritual
Registration & pre-purchase tickets are essential.
Registration opens 29th April.
Please register your interest by Facebook message or by email to heartmedicinejourneys@gmail.com.
Spaces are limited to ensure an intimate gathering.
Bookings close 12th May.
Upon receipt of payment, your cup will be included for preparation with love & gratitude and Pre-ceremony Guidelines & information on What to Bring will be sent to you.
Please arrive at 6.15 pm, we will start the ceremony at 6.30 pm prompt. No entry after 6.30pm to ensure a safe space - no exceptions!
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