Ara Harakeke Parkrun

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Ara Harakeke parkrun has been set up while Porirua parkrun is suspended at Bothamley Park for a couple of years due to the sewer upgrade. We will be operating at Ara Harakeke through all of 2024
To get to the start, travel along SH59 and turn off at Ulric Street, Plimmerton, by the Palmers Garden Centre. Access to the pathway is by 2 Northpoint Street which is by the turning head at the end of Ulric Street. From the pathway entrance walk 400 metres north along the Ara Harakeke pathway past the buildings towards Airlie Road to get to the starting point next to the Taupo swamp.
What is Ara Harakeke parkrun? It is a 5km run or walk - It’s not about coming first or winning. You can go at your own pace and just enjoy being with other people. It is inclusive and the perfect way to start your weekend in the outdoors chatting to people.
The track is 3 meters wide, dedicated off road shared pathway, with a gentle gradient. It has an all weather chip seal surface that follows along the top edge of Taupo swamp.
The pathway runs north-south with semi-mature native vegetation either side in most locations.
What does it cost to join in?
Nothing - it's free! but please register before your first run or walk, so you can get your timing results.
Go to to find out more and to register your details so you get a time.
You only need to register with parkrun once, to participate at any of the parkrun events around the world.
Don't forget to bring a copy of your barcode. If you forget it, you won't get a time.
How fast do I have to be? Walking is fine as long as you can finish the 5km within an hour. Please come along and join in whatever your pace!
Note the closest public toilets are in Plimmerton Domain near the subway underpass.
We're friendly! Every week we grab a post park run/walk coffee in the Backyard Cafe within Palmers Garden Centre to mix exercise with socialising.
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