Belmont 4WD Adventure
Belmont, Lower Hutt, Wellington Region
Ticket Information
Eventfinda tickets no longer on sale
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Bookings required. Vaccine Passes will be required to participate in this event. Please have your My Vaccine Pass ready on arrival.
Face coverings are encouraged for the duration of this event.
Take on a daring adventure off the beaten track and take in the sweeping vistas of Kāpiti Island and Te Awarua-o-Porirua Harbour. It is a great opportunity to see Transmission Gully from a new perspective, learn about the second world war ammunition bunkers and hear stories about the park's history. Make sure you bring a picnic!
This trip is not suitable for children that require a car seat or a booster seat. Please note that you will be a passenger in the Cross Country Vehicle Club 4WD vehicles. You cannot drive your own vehicle at this event.
To reserve your place please ensure you book by clicking on the booking button below. Tickets available from 13 December 2021.
To keep updated with important information about our events, including postponements and cancellations, please click ‘interested’ via our Facebook event page. Indicating that you’re ‘interested’ on Facebook will not secure you a place at this event.
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