Meet The Candidate Debates: Kaimai Ward
29 Esdaile Road, Whakamarama, Tauranga, Bay of PlentyTicket Information
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Voters, it's time to meet the candidates who want to represent the Kaimai Ward.
Residents will play the role of inquisitor, and can use these events to lift the lid on where candidates’ values lie or ask about pressing matters for their wards. Submit questions in advance on the Generation Change website.
The questions will be grouped into themes and a handful will then be selected by Council – and posed to the candidates on the night of the debates.
Members of the audience (in person and online) will also be able to influence what they want to hear from candidates on, live during the debate. An online voting system based on question themes will run throughout the night with the highest-voted theme informing the final question. Those unable to attend in person can still tune in and take part via livestream on Council’s YouTube channel or the Generation Change website.
We’ll be incorporating questions that not only showcase candidates’ stances on important matters such as Three Waters reform and climate change – but also putting them on the spot to show their personality and passion for the District.
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