Mental Health Awareness Week
21 Carlyle Street, ChristchurchRestrictions
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We’re excited to announce that we will be hosting Registered Social Worker and Counsellor, Jo Stewart, on Friday 30th September at 12.30pm for a one-hour talk on mental health and diabetes.
The event aligns with Mental Health Awareness Week which falls between 26th September – 2nd October this year.
Jo has a special interest in diabetes and was previously employed with the Diabetes Centre at Christchurch Hospital.
She now runs her own social work/counselling private practice, helping clients with chronic health/pain and trauma.
People living with diabetes in Canterbury know how scarce counsellors are within our public health system and with a cost of upwards of $100
an hour privately, we are pleased to support our community with this opportunity to have Jo speak with us.
Please RSVP for the event on 03 925 9972 or email
This is a free event, though Donations/Koha are welcome.
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