Sarah Higgins and the Fabulous Watercolour Friends
204 High St, Blenheim, Marlborough
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A wonderful selection of artworks and printed apparel from Sarah Higgins along with her fabulous watercolour friends!
Sarah has a variety of art in different media celebrating florals and the human figure, these are ranging from an illustrative style to abstract forms. You will discover her artworks printed on tshirts, teatowels and totebags because art is not just for the wall.
The fabulous watercolour friends will make it worth your while to visit. Their paintings consist of landscape to florals and more! With this much happening there is something for everyone. There will be a raffle in the foyer that includes a Sarah Higgins fine art print.
Come and visit to meet our friendly faces, have an art chat...we'd love that, we can talk all day happily about art! Sarah will be demonstrating art and an have an open floor talk (find out her art secrets) every morning 10.30-1pm throughout the exhibition duration.
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