The Long $3 Book Fair
Hunter Road, Eureka, Hamilton, WaikatoTicket Information
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The Long $3 Book Fair features around 800 boxes of secondhand books, both fiction and non-fiction. Most books are $3 however we do have a purple table which is more expensive. We also have large print, romance, westerns and around 30 boxes of science fiction. Both fiction and non-fiction boxes are all sorted and labelled. Small paperbacks are $1 and 10 for $5. We have lots of DVDs at $2.
We also have a range of both fiction and non-fiction for children at 2 books for $1.
Sorry, no EFTPOS. We take cash or payment via your mobile phone banking app.
On a fine day there’s a lovely spot for your lunch under the trees. A coffee cart operates weekdays from early until about 1pm and provides both snacks and drinks.
The Eureka Hall is located on the corner of Hunter Road and Morrinsville Rd, (1298 Morrinsville Rd, SH 26) between Hamilton and Morrinsville.
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