A Documentary Film: The Phenomenon Bruno Groening
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“Suddenly free of pain after seeing the film.”
The documentary film “The Phenomenon Bruno Groening - on the Tracks of the Miracle Healer" does not only impress because of its content. People have also reported personal success as a result of watching the film.
In spring 1949 Bruno Groening became known worldwide as the ‘miracle doctor’ of Herford. Thousands of people flocked to him. Unbelievable healings took place. It was reported on by the major newspapers and magazines. Radio, newsreels and a film also covered this phenomenon.
The highlight was what happened at the Traberhof in Rosenheim, Germany. In autumn 1949 tens of thousands of people gathered there every day. Unbelievable scenes took place. Cripples could walk again and the blind could see.
Healing of a lumbar disc hernia.
Many viewers of the film have reported that they suddenly felt an energy or tingling, streaming sensations in their body while watching the film - for most of them a completely new experience. Some even reported the disappearance of pain, handicaps and other ailments.
For 35 years Danielle Imbert-Caron (57) had suffered from pain in the cervical spine and her left knee which was stiff as a result of multiple car accidents. In addition, she was plagued by pain in her right leg. Doctors diagnosed a herniated disc and sciatica.
In October 2009, she saw the documentary about Bruno Groening. "The next morning I had no pain in my back, no stiffness in the left knee, and the pain in my right leg and in my neck had disappeared."
The doctor’s comment:
"This triple healing – virtually spontaneously ‒ of such long-standing neck pain, chronic stiffness of the knee, accompanied by 4 years of progressive sciatica is medically inexplicable."
Everyone interested is warmly invited.
Admission is free – voluntary donations are appreciated.
Contact: 0210627762
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