Artist Kōrero - Tracy Keith
Ticket Information
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Join us to hear artist Tracy Keith talk about his solo exhibition Remember Industry.
In Remember Industry, Keith looks to the whakapapa of natural materials like clay and timber that have shaped human lives, meaning, and livelihoods.
Tracy Keith (Ngāpuhi) lives and works in Heretaunga Hastings, where he is Kaiako - Maunga Kura Toi Rauangi at Toimairangi School of Māori Visual Art, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa. Tracy has exhibited widely within Aotearoa New Zealand at galleries such as The Dowse Art Museum, Pātaka Art + Museum, Bartley & Company Gallery, Wairau Māori Art Gallery, and Tim Melville Gallery.
Free, no booking required.
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