BeCalmed Yoga: Nervous System Reset
11 View Rd, Titahi BayTicket Information
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Peel away your crazy-busy in these super relaxing forest-studio classes until the end of the year. Titahi Bay, Porirua. Switch your nervous system over to rest and digest in this beautiful mix of gentle, easy yoga practices: Restorative yoga, breath and MindRest (Yoga Nidra). Then take this inner calm with you into your days. Imagine a more relaxed Christmas! No yoga experience necessary. Suitable for all bodies and experiences.
Includes gentle and supportive restorative yoga, breath work and BeCalmed: Mind Rest (Yoga Nidra) — giving your body a chance to deeply rest and heal.
Weekly extra support off the mat by way of audio and calm texts.
Often we leave it for our holidays to relax, but we often get sick in that first week. Why? Our bodies hold on to bugs and viruses until we start to relax. Avoid that this year and destress before Christmas.
These are ancient, gentle practices that calm the body to calm the mind. Most people who come to one of Janie's classes have never done Yoga before. And many prefer small classes. BeCalmed classes are for a maximum of 4 people per class, in a little forest-studio in Titahi Bay. Lots of care. Lots of calm.
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