He Kōtare Native Nursery Open Day
23 North Soldiers Settlement Rd, Featherston, WairarapaTicket Information
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This event is part of Conservation Week 2024 - www.doc.govt.nz/conservationweek
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Pae Tū Mōkai o Tauira welcomes you to our second open day at He Kōtare, our native plant nursery.
Come meet the team, enjoy a kōrero and tour of the nursery. Light refreshments will be available.
Plants available to purchase on the day.
We support restoration efforts at Wairarapa Moana by eco-sourcing seed, propagating and growing native plants that are significant to Wairarapa Moana. Our second growing season has resulted in a substantial increase in numbers of plants for restoration projects at the Moana and subsidiary waterways.
Who is Pae Tū Mōkai o Tauira?
We’re a charitable trust, standing for the revitalisation and sustained kaitiakitanga of Wairarapa Moana and te taiao (natural environment). We work to enable cultural and environmental change through wānanga (knowledge sharing) and whakawhanaungatanga (relationship building) in ways that restore and sustain the wairua and mana of our Moana.
Wairarapa Moana is an internationally significant wetland under the Ramsar Convention
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