LASFF 2024 - Stories of Samba
9 Herschell Street, Napier, Hawke's Bay / Gisborne
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LASFF - Latin America and Spain Film Festival 2024
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Stories of Samba: Saudosa Maloca (in Portugese)
Rated M
Adoniran Barbosa, an old samba legend, tells a young waiter stories from his past in a São Paulo city that no longer exists. He recalls an old house where he used to live with his dearest friends Joca and Mato Grosso, their quest for the love of Iracema and other stories and characters that were eternalized in his songs, chronicles of a metropolis where real estate speculation rules.
Numa mesa de bar, o velho Adoniran Barbosa conta a um jovem garçom histórias de uma São Paulo que já não existe. Lembra com carinho da maloca onde viveu com Joca e Mato Grosso, da paixão deles por Iracema e de outros personagens eternizados em seus sambas, crônicas de uma metrópole engolida pelo apetite voraz do “pogréssio”.
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