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This event’s been cancelled
Murder Mystery Dinner: CANCELLED


  • Sat 28 Sep 2024, 6:30pm–10:00pm



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Hygge at Clifton Bay has something new to offer. Bring a group and shake out that
couch and comfort zone.

The special mid-winter murder mystery dinner
Get in front of the Hygge fire and see how well you know your friends (or are they

Check the life Assurance and bring a laugh and those fun genes. August is cold and
so is someone else. Let Warm things up and test your 6th sense. I have a hunch it will
be a Hoot.

Important Information:

Evening Starts at 6:30pm with show starting from 7:00pm.
- $120.00pp
- 3 course dinner - Entree from 7:20pm
- Bus available
$25 return
$15 one way
Dropped at your door
Come dressed in theme!!

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