Old Coach Road Historic Heritage Walk
Matapuna Road, Horopito, Ohakune, Tongariro
Ticket Information
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Join us for a heritage walk and talk down the old coach road, one of nz's most significant examples of roading engineering heritage.
The Old Coach Road provided a link between the two railways stretching from the North and South of Te Ika a Māui from 1886, until the two railheads were finally linked in 1908. Walking the 13km from Horopito to Ohakune, we will pass the Hāpuawhenua Viaduct and learn about the heritage which has helped shaped the region over the past 100 years.
Trip length: 5 hours +
Minimum Age: No age restriction
Max Participants: 25
Meeting Place: Matapuna Road – Horpito. Start of Old Coach Road.
Cost: $6
Grade: 2-3
Transport: Attendees are asked to arrange their own transport from Ohakune to Horopito after the walk.
Participants are asked to bring:
Comfortable walking shoes
Packed lunch + snacks
Please note: the trip leader reserves the right to refuse anyone who is insufficiently equipped.
Adverse weather may result in cancellation/postponement. Admin and booking fee is non-refundable in the event of cancellation.
Bookings close 16 January 2024
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