Takurua Hauora: Waiata Time
3 Jervois Quay, Queens Wharf, WellingtonTicket Information
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Enjoy the sweet sounds of WOSOSI Choir as you explore the displays of Te Waka Huia Wellington Museum.
Waiata Time is part of Takurua Hauora: Winter Wellness, an event series promoting health and wellbeing inspired by Sir Mason Durie’s Whare Tapa Whā model.
Music does wonders for our wellbeing and sense of connection to each other. Escape the cold and let their song recharge your batteries as their uplifting voices reverberate throughout the museum.
Donations Appreciated.
WOSOSI World Song Singers is an a cappella choir in Wellington, New Zealand, that brings the world’s rich singing traditions to you. From songs that celebrate peace, stand up for freedom or yearn for loved ones lost, we embrace the power of music and shared human experience.
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