1st Kamo Girls Brigade
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Girls' Brigade meets weekly during term time from 6 pm until 7:30 pm. We provide fun activities for girls aged 5 to 18 years who want to get the most out of life.
Our weekly programme encourages girls to develop a range of physical, social, educational and spiritual skills which will empower them to be confident, caring and contributing members of society.
Girls are encouraged to develop self-management and leadership skills as they work within their own age group and across the ages. We strive to provide a caring, supportive, inclusive environment for all girls and their families.
1st Kamo Girls' Brigade Company is an integral part of the mission outreach of the Kaurihohore/Kamo Co-operating Church.
Membership fees and Uniform costs available on request. Email: kamogirlsbrigade@gmail.com for more information.
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