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BlackBerry (Matt Johnson, 2023, M)


  • Mon 17 Feb 2025, 7:30pm–9:30pm



Join the Canterbury Film Society on Monday night for: BlackBerry (Matt Johnson, 2023, 120 mins, Canada, M Offensive language)

Whip-smart Canadian comedy which channels the zippy snark of The Social Network to tell the extraordinarily dramatic rise and equally spectacular fall of the world’s first smartphone.

New members are warmly welcomed - go to to see membership options (Full Membership is $140 for over 30 films). Join and pay online, or bring along cash and sign up at the membership table before the film (eftpos not available).

The Canterbury Film Society offers weekly screenings of top-quality films - classic, cult, documentary, world cinema and more – on the big screen. We screen on Monday nights at 7.30pm with doors open at 7.00pm and a cash bar offering drinks and home-baked food.

Let us take you further into film!

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