Bugs & Beyond: The Wonders of the Insect World

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Are you bursting with bug questions? Why not ask the experts!
As part of Bug Day, we have several researchers coming in to talk about their projects, how they came to work with bugs, and their love for all things insectoid.
These quick-fire talks will be followed by a Q & A session, so bring all your bug-related questions with you!
Talk Schedule
Novel ways to engage with the public about insect conservation
Dr Jenny Jandt, University of Otago Department of Zoology
Jenny's research team has designed a series of outreach activities to inspire insect conservation using games, art, prizes, and conversation. Hear about some of the data collected during these events and what's next.
Velvet worms: biology of an unusual ancient animal
Dr Peter Dearden, University of Otago Department of Biochemistry
Velvet worms are the coolest animals out there. Ancient, hugely unusual, and poorly understood, they have a whole phylum to themselves. Peter will introduce you to the biology of these weird and wonderful animals.
Magnificent moths and much more!
Carey Knox, ecological consultant and PhD student at the University of Otago Department of Zoology
As part of his consulting work, Carey looks for moths (and other insects) around New Zealand. Hear how he finds and photographs his tiny subjects, and about the process of uploading observations to iNaturalist, a citizen science website we can all contribute to.
New fossil spiders and insects from Aotearoa
Dr Daphne Lee, University of Otago Department of Geology
Since 2005, the number of fossil insects known from pre-Quaternary sites in New Zealand has exploded, and most of them have been found in Otago maar lakes and amber deposits. Daphne will explore how these insects are opening new windows into the past forest ecosystems of Aotearoa.
Insects in the city
Jacqueline Theis, University of Otago Department of Zoology
Biodiversity loss can affect processes crucial to our survival, including pollination and nutrient cycling. Many cities around the world have tried to combat that loss through greening strategies, such as the creation of parks, living walls, and rooftop greenery, but how well are these measures actually working?
1pm – 3pm, Saturday 15 February
Barclay Theatre
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