Capital Reeds - NZ Fringe Festival

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As part of NZ Fringe’s vibrant array of live performances, Capital Reeds are presenting music for unfamiliar reed instruments. In addition to trios for oboe, clarinet, and bassoon, Capital Reeds will play some tunes featuring the cor anglais, the bass clarinet, and – our special guest – the contrabassoon, an instrument which dwells in the deepest nether regions of the audio spectrum. Only rarely does the contrabassoon ever surface to make a public appearance.
Alongside skilfully crafted chamber music works composed specifically for trios of reeds, Capital Reeds have a variety of artful musical arrangements to share. At the Bicycle Junction, these items will include a sensitively arranged chamber music version of Freddie Mercury’s famous 1978 composition Bicycle Race.
So come and listen to some reedy sonorities in a quirky and contrasting mix of folk, pop and art musics.
The players of Capital Reeds are all connected with each other through the activities of Orchestra Wellington and the RNZAF Symphonic Band: Calvin Scott (oboe/cor anglais) – Patrick Hayes (clarinet/bass clarinet) – Oscar Lavën (bassoon/contrabassoon).
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