Continuity Planning Workshop for Community Groups

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As a community organisation, you play an important role in supporting our community. A robust business continuity plan helps your organisation keep your essential services running during a disruption.
Having a plan in place and practicing it ensures you can keep doing what you do best.
We would like to invite you to our free 90-minute Continuity planning workshop which is tailored for community groups, not-for profits, and volunteering organisations.
This in-person workshop is an opportunity to:
- Learn from your local Emergency Management Advisor
- Hear the collective experience of other Not-for profits, volunteer, and community organisations.
- Attending will give you the time and space to start planning using our BCP guide and free resources provided on the day.
Throughout the 90 minutes we will guide you through our 12 steps to business continuity planning.
Participants in this workshop will also go in the draw to win a 200L Emergency Water Tank.
For more information, please email
We aim to make our community events inclusive to all people. If you are attending the event and have specific accessibility requirements, you can send us an email at with the event name and we will get in touch to see how we can meet your needs as best we can.
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