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Dave Moss Safety Tuning Presentation

Registration Types

  • Registration: Free ($0.00)
  • Eventfinda tickets no longer on sale


  • Thu 13 Feb 2025, 7:00pm–8:15pm


All Ages

In this session, Dave will provide riders with the information needed to understand the basics of motorcycle suspension and how to set up their own chassis and suspension to maximise their safety.

Course content includes:
- Setting sag using preload and a tape measure
- How to set hydraulics correctly for rebound and compression using what tools?
- Marking fork bottom
- Assessing shock travel
- Discussing tyre sizes and carcass

Riders with any type of license and motorcycle can attend this presentation. Tea and coffee will be provided.

Note: Attendees of the Hands-On Workshop are asked to give other riders priority to this event, as much of the content covered will be the same.

This presentation is limited to thirty people. Please register on Eventfinda to secure your place. If you have registered for the event, but cannot make it on the day, please email and let us know.

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