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St Peter's Cathedral, 51 Victoria St, Hamilton
These Ticket Protection Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) apply to your purchase and, if applicable, refund of a Protected Ticket. These Terms are in addition to, and form part of, Eventfinda Limited’s (“Eventfinda”, “we”, “us”, “our”) ticket purchase terms and conditions (available here) and our terms of service (available here) (together, “Standard Terms”).
Nothing in these Terms has the effect of limiting the application of the New Zealand Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 or any other consumer protection laws. The Standard Terms apply to all refund claims pursuant to your rights under the New Zealand Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 or other consumer protection laws.
Refund Entitlement
If, at the time you made a Booking, you paid the additional Ticket Protection fee for that Booking and you are unable to attend the Booked Event as a result of any of the circumstances set out in the When we will refund section of these Terms, and you meet the other requirements for a refund set out in these Terms, we will refund the Ticket Cost to you.
In these Terms:
“Booked Event” means a pre-planned event transacted through Eventfinda by you.
“Booking” means a booking for a Booked Event.
“Doctor” means a qualified medical practitioner registered with a recognised professional body who is not you or your Immediate Family.
“Group” means the people who have made a Booking in the same transaction as your Booking.
“Illness” means a physical or mental condition confirmed by a Doctor that prevents you from attending the Booked Event.
“Immediate Family” means your spouse (including de facto partners and civil union partners), parent, child, or sibling.
“including” and similar words do not imply any limit.“Injury” means a bodily injury confirmed by a Doctor that prevents you from attending a Booked Event.
“Protected Ticket” means a ticket that was purchased for a Booked Event and for which you paid the additional Ticket Protection fee.
“Public Transport” means any mode of public transport (other than public hire taxis or rideshare operators) licensed for public use on which you had planned to travel to a Booked Event.
“Ticket Cost” means the cost paid by you for a Protected Ticket, including booking fees but excluding the Ticket Protection fee.
“you” means you or, if you are acting on behalf of another person (e.g. a company), the other person on whose behalf you are acting. “You” includes your successors and assigns. “Your” has a consistent meaning.
Your obligations
You must:
When we will refund
We will refund the Ticket Cost if you are unable to attend a Booked Event due to:
When we will not refund
Unless required by law, or pursuant to our Standard Terms or any applicable event specific terms (in which case you should contact us directly), a refund will not be provided where:
Requesting a refund
To request a refund under these Terms you must email Eventfinda support at as soon as possible after becoming aware of circumstances that may lead you to requesting a refund but no more than 45 days after the Booked Event.
You must provide the following evidence to support your refund application within 45 days of requesting a refund:
To the maximum extent permitted by law, you expressly understand and agree that we shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses (even if we had been advised of the possibility of such damages).
Our failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. These Terms, together with the Standard Terms, constitutes the entire agreement between you and us and govern your use of the Service, superseding any prior agreements between you and us (including any prior versions of these Terms).
These Terms, and any dispute relating to these Terms, are governed by and must be interpreted in accordance with the laws of New Zealand. Each party submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of New Zealand in relation to any dispute connected with these Terms.
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Our Ticket Purchase Terms and Conditions can be viewed here.
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