Motorcycle Safety Tuning Presentation with Dave Moss

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Dave Moss has been teaching NZ motorcycle riders since 2011 to understand the basics of motorcycle suspension and how to set up their own motorcycle chassis and suspension to meet their individual physical requirements while maximising their safety on the road.
His mission is “to save a life every day in the motorcycle community via education and training”.
Dave has a substantial and loyal following in the NZ motorcycle community and has reached over 10 million riders worldwide via his online presence of Dave Moss Tuning on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook.
Now Porirua City Council is bringing Dave to our city and offering two safety tuning presentations, a two-hour hands-on suspension workshop and a three-hour suspension tuning ride.
Join a free one hour presentation about the basics of motorcycle suspension and how to set up your own chassis and suspension to maximise safety and performance.
Registration is required and spots are limited.
These sessions will be held in Meeting Room 2 at Te Rauparaha Arena, Porirua.
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