New Vogue 8 Week Course Feb/March 2025

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Beginners New Vogue 8-week course
(February/March). PARTNER REQUIRED.
Learn the basics of sequenced partner dancing.
* Merrilyn (Foxtrot)
* Evening Three (March)
* Tracie Leigh (Waltz)
* Tangoette (Tango)
We recommend having a partner for this class, however you can learn solo (but there is generally no sharing of partners during this class). Previous experience in Ballroom is recommended but not essential.
6pm Beginners (Level 1-2)
* Helpers from a higher level are welcome.
Full course fee per person for beginners Ballroom and Latin is usually $120. (or only $100 if paid in full on first night), otherwise casual rate payable at $15 per week over 8 weeks.
Other Classes on the same night are:
7pm Improvers to Advanced Class
(Level 3-10)
(only pay for the highest level class attending on the night).
Classes are held at the Munro Dance Studio, 5 Neeve Road, Taradale, Napier.
If you are new to HB our studio has other dance styles and exercise classes, see our timetable for more info.
Register on arrival or pre-registration via
Text: 0274158432 or on Eventfinda
NZFDT & Star awards:
Mid and end of year exams for social and graded levels, for adults and children, in Ballroom, Latin, New Vogue, Salsa and more.
Examinations will be held:
*May - Awards and Graded Levels 1-3
*December - Awards and Graded Levels 1-10
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