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Ōtari Raranga Weavers 2025 Season

Ticket Information

  • Teina / Beginner - General Admission: $34.05 each ($30.00 + $4.05 fees)
  • Teina / Beginner - Concession Rate: $23.25 each ($20.00 + $3.25 fees)
  • Teina / Beginner - Koha Ticket: $10.25 each ($10.00 + $0.25 fees)
  • Tuakana / Intermediate - General Admission: $28.92 each ($25.00 + $3.92 fees)
  • Tuakana / Intermediate - Concession: $16.58 each ($15.00 + $1.58 fees)
  • Tuakana / Intermediate - Koha Ticket: $5.12 each ($5.00 + $0.12 fees)
  • Five Class Pass: $106.35 each ($100.00 + $6.35 fees)
  • Buy Tickets


  • Sat 15 Feb 2025–Sat 31 May 2025, 11:00am–2:30pm 5 Class Pass
  • Sat 15 Feb 2025, 11:00am–2:30pm Weekend Admission
  • Wed 19 Feb 2025, 6:00pm–9:00pm
  • Sat 1 Mar 2025, 11:00am–2:30pm Weekend Admission



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Tūngia te ururua kia tupu whakaritorito te tupu o te harakeke.
Set the overgrown bush alight and the new flax shoots will spring up.

Nau mai haere mai, all are welcome to attend our teina / tuakana rāranga classes.

No experience required - All materials provided for your first class!

You will walk away with woven taonga at the end of every class.

With regular attendance you will:
- Learn tikanga (protocols) and karakia for hauhake (harvesting) and preparing harakeke
- Build your mātauranga (knowledge)
- Use kupu Māori appropriate to raranga practice
- Develop your pūkenga (practical skills)
- Create taonga (treasures) for your whānau
- Build hononga (connections) within our raranga rōpū

It is important that everyone turns up on time for karakia.

Light refreshments will be provided and you are welcome to bring shared kai.

Tickets are single entry only unless a 5 Class Pass is purchased (refer to endnotes).

Children over 10 please and if under 14 should be accompanied by an adult with a ticket.

What’s included in your ticket?
- 3+ hour weaving class
- Access to tools and materials
- Shared kai

- Learn tikanga and how to hauhake (harvest)
- Weave a variety of putiputi (flowers) from basic to advanced
- Create a small kōnae or kono (2 or 4 sided kete)

We will provide harakeke for your first 2 wānanga, then you can buy a TUAKANA TICKET (it’s cheaper) and harvest for yourself.

TUAKANA TICKETS (Intermediate)
- Come to class with your own rau (leaves and some tools (10 x rau)
- Make multiple sizes, shapes and learn different ways to tapiki (lock) your kōnae and kono
- Make and attach puritanga (straps and handles)
- Learn kete waikawa (quick, undressed style of weaving) food collecting and storage baskets
- Learn new preparation methods to make kete whiri
- More may be introduced based on personal dedication

5 CLASS PASS - $100 p/person
- Includes all benefits listed above at a discounted rate - save $35
- Valid for use at our regular Ōtari Raranga 2025 wānanga.
- These are held fortnightly on Saturdays, evenings are monthly, working around public holidays.
- We will email you a list of confirmed and tentative dates upon purchase and you can book classes directly through us.

We have limited free tickets available. Please visit the website to enquire.

*All donations to Shared Lines Trust allow Ōtari Raranga to continue to offer subsidised tickets to the community (refer to endnotes for tax credits)

Follow us on Facebook or Instagram: Otari Raranga Weavers

For more information about what to expect and what to bring visit our

Led by Linda Lee (Ngāti Huia, Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Kurī, Te Rarawa, Te Aupōuri) and Frank Topia (Ngā Puhi, Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Haua) with support from our kaiāwhina; Anna Lees (Te Āti Awa), Genevieve Rae, and Béatrice Désy.

With thanks to Wellington City Council, Wellington Gardens and the Ōtari team.
He karanga atu ki a Maverick Creative. Also to our amazing sponsors Good Fortune Coffee and Wellington Apothecary. .

- Tickets are fully refundable or transferable
- For tikanga purposes, BEGINNERS' TICKET SALES MAY CLOSE TWO DAYS before wānanga giving us time to hauhake for you.
- If class numbers are too low, we may have to cancel so please check your emails before class.

Donations, Tax Credits and Corporate Gifting
- Fixed rate donations Koha of $10 or $20 will go directly to Ōtari Raranga. These are NOT tax deductible.
- For Corporate Gifting or Individuals Requesting Tax Credits please donate to Shared Lines Trust
- Visit for more information

*All donations to Shared Lines Trust enable projects like Ōtari Raranga to continue to offer subsidised and free events to the community.

- Shared Lines Trust is registered with NZ Charities Services.
- All donations over $5 made to The Trust are tax-deductible.
- Please contact us if you require a receipt:

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